The following budget outlines the cost elements associated with this project:
2 @ 8’ X 5’ Lighted Monument Signs | Each | Qty | Cost |
* EASEMENT and COVENANT OF ACCESS Agreement | $ 600 | 1 | $ 600 |
* Landscape Design | $ 1,500 | 1 | $ 1,500 |
* Riverbend Logo Design (for new signs) | $ 275 | 1 | $ 275 |
Sign Design 8’ X 5’ MONUMENT SIGN | $ 16,500 | 2 | $ 33,000 |
Permit Acquisition Service | $ 265 | 2 | $ 530 |
Illumination Permit | $ 200 | 2 | $ 400 |
Demolish old signs | $ 250 | 2 | $ 500 |
Landscape Contractor | $ 18,000 | 1 | $ 18,000 |
Electrical Contractor | $ 1,500 | 2 | $ 3,000 |
Irrigation | $ 1,200 | 2 | $ 2,400 |
General Contractor | $ 2,800 | 1 | $ 2,800 |
Contingency | $ 2,085 | 1 | $ 2,085 |
8.25% TAX (materials only) | $ 4,910 | 1 | $ 4,910 |
2 Beautification Grants from City of Plano | $ (10,000) | 2 | $ (20,000) |
Neighborhood Funding | $ 50,000 |
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