You live in Riverbend, a large beautiful neighborhood that has matured into one of the finest residential areas in Plano. If you’ve just moved here, welcome to a truly great area. If you’ve been here a while, read on for an exciting new concept in neighborhood betterment.
We are home to Saigling Elementary, one of the top-rated elementary schools in the entire state of Texas. Next door to Saigling is the Cheyenne Park, a recreation area that is alive with organized kids’ sports activities, and with parents and their children of all ages who just want to use the playground equipment or spaciousness during family time.

Riverbend is a much larger neighborhood than many people think. The last new homes were built in Riverbend in the mid-1980s, and it has remained a stable quality neighborhood over almost 4 decades. We want to make sure it stays that way.
Several residents of Riverbend have joined together to form a group we call Friends of Riverbend, to create a unified identity, build community among neighbors, and address issues affecting the residents of our unique neighborhood.
Friends of Riverbend is not a mandatory homeowner’s association. It is a volunteer group of neighbors bonded in the common interest of building community among the residents, keeping our neighborhood safe, and ensuring our investment in our homes continues to grow.
We hope you will choose to join us as we modernize and beautify our wonderful neighborhood.